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The obituary notice of Elizabeth Wyn THOMAS

Wallingford, 21/08/1942 - 26/02/2025 (Age 82) | Published in: Western Mail. Notable areas: Maenclochog

Howard Chadwick Funeral
Howard Chadwick Funeral
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Elizabeth WynTHOMASYn dawel ar Chwefror 26, 2025,yng nghartref gofal Westgate yn Wallingford, bu farw Wyn, gynt o Faenclochog, Sir Benfro, yn 82 mlwydd oed, gwraig annwyl y diweddar Hywel, a mam gariadus Rhian. Enillodd radd yn y Gymraeg yng ngholeg Prifysgol Aberystwyth a dysgodd Saesneg a Ffrangeg yn ysgol Langtree, Woodcote am dros ugain mlynedd.

Cynhelir yr angladd ar ddydd Llun, Ebrill 7ed am 11.00 a.m. yn amlosgfa De Swydd Rhydychen. Blodau'r teulu yn unig. Rhoddion er cof, os dymunir, at Westgate House trwy law.

* * * * * Peacefully on February 26th, 2025, at Westgate Care Home in Wallingford, Wyn, formerly of Maenclochog, Pembrokeshire, 82 years of age. Beloved wife of the late Hywel, loving mother of Rhian. Wyn secured a degree in Welsh at Aberystwyth and taught English and French at Langtree School, Woodcote for over 20 years.

The funeral service will be held on Monday, 7th April at 11.00 a.m. at South Oxfordshire Crematorium.

Family flowers only. Donations in memory, if desired to Westgate House through

Howard Chadwick's Funeral Services.
01491 825222
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Published: 24/03/2025
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